Jordan Costa of Mississauga Obituary: Dies after battling with pancreatic cancer

Mississauga is in collective sorrow following the passing of Jordan Costa, a well-known individual celebrated for his steadfast commitment to sports and mentorship. At the age of 34, Jordan succumbed to pancreatic cancer on October 31, leaving behind a legacy of love and a dedication to nurturing the dreams of budding athletes.

Reflecting on a Life Well-Lived

Jordan Costa, remembered as a cherished son, supportive sibling, loyal friend, devoted educator, and hardworking team player, left an indelible mark through his fervor for sports. His departure has prompted the community to reminisce about the impact he made during his relatively short yet profoundly influential life.

Preserving Jordan’s Influence

In recognition of Jordan’s enduring love for sports, his sister, Alexa Costa, has initiated a GoFundMe page. This endeavor seeks to carry forward Jordan’s legacy by supporting emerging athletes and fostering their development. Contributions to the fund will aid scholarships, coaching initiatives, and the provision of sports equipment, ensuring Jordan’s spirit and commitment to the sporting community endure.

Facebook Tribute

M De Lourdes Leal shared the news of Jordan’s passing on Facebook, expressing the deep sense of loss the family is experiencing. Leal conveyed, “This is my 34-year-old cousin Jordan, an exceptional individual, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer earlier this week. One of Jordan’s wishes was to establish this scholarship in his memory. Jordan, you will remain in our hearts forever.”

Scholarship Initiative at St. Aloysius Gonzaga

To further honor Jordan’s memory, a scholarship program has been launched at St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Jordan’s alma mater. This scholarship, spanning a decade, will provide financial support to student-athletes pursuing higher education. Valued at $2,000, it will be awarded annually to one male and one female student-athlete, embodying the values Jordan deemed crucial for a student-athlete’s success.

Memorial Events

A Church Service commemorating Jordan’s life is scheduled for Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 1:00 PM at Merciful Redeemer Parish. Subsequently, a Celebration of Life will take place from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School. These events are open to friends, family, and community members eager to pay their respects to a man whose influence will echo for years.

Jordan Costa’s legacy persists through the memories he crafted and the lives he touched. As Mississauga mourns the departure of a beloved community member, the initiatives and scholarships established in his honor ensure that his passion for sports and mentorship will remain a guiding light for generations to come.

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